YAML : Yet Another Minimalist
🍀 A brief history of Ireland
Ireland history generate by chatgpt & dall-e-2
📦 grud: GitHub as database
grud is a convenient method of storing & performing read, update & delete operations on data without setting up a database server.
🚀Hugo: Deploy with GitHub Actions
Hugo with GitHub Actions
DevOps at scale: GitHub
DevOps onboarding practices (GitHub)
Smart upgrade to your good old punch card.
glimpses Insights
Simple interactive data visualization with glimpses analytics data
3 simple steps to keep your daily log 📝
Little known trick to keep daily log
GitHub Auto Tagger
A Probot app which automatically tags GitHub Issues based on matched pattern
RabbitMQ 🐰
A proof of concept (POC) using RabbitMQ
Play with docker 🐳
Free in-browser docker playground to learn Docker
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